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Well, hey there.

Thinking about creating a food blog is romantic. Recipe testing is thrilling. Sitting down and writing short intro stories about each recipe is rewarding. Writing an intro post? Horrifying.

I won’t get too into my culinary history as it’s covered in my about me but I will get into my current mindset. Like most 20-somethings. I struggled to find a career path I was deeply passionate about. I flirted with fashion, marketing, and real estate, doing a great job convincing myself each one was what I loved and would continue to love for the rest of my life. Funny enough, whenever I was stressed about academic and career decisions, I would without fail turn to the kitchen as a creative outlet and break from reality. With the help of supportive parents and friends, I’ve realized that cooking, outside of a traditional kitchen, is what I want to spend my life and time doing.

I was raised with 'try it once and if you don't like it you don't have to try it again' parents. This has led me to have a broad list of favourite foods and a well-traveled palette. Every Sunday in my house growing up we did a family meal where my mum let my sister, brother, and I take turns picking a recipe she would then perfectly execute each and every time. This was made more fun due to my mum's collection of 1000+ cooks books, some vintage, some in foreign languages, all thoroughly used and loved. This is a big inspiration for the food I cook now, always inspired by meals seen in cookbooks, at restaurants, on social media etc. With all that being said, this space is one to visit to learn all the skills, tricks, and lessons I have both been taught and learned through my own errors.

My dad often calls me ‘Little Laura’ when I’m cooking, hosting, or talking about any type of hospitality I have planned. This is after my mum who this blog is inspired and credited after. She instilled a love for all things homemade in me from a very young age. Giving and sharing something made by hand is the highest form of love, a teaching that has completely formed my current self.

With all that being said, I am quite bored of talking about myself and ready to get into sharing all things food, drinks, hosting, and home.

x mads


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